“Miracles” by Craig Keener: A Book Review (and some personal reflections)
If you are a Christian like me, chances are that your take on the idea of “miracles” is similar to mine. Intellectually, you believe that Jesus really did heal ...
If you are a Christian like me, chances are that your take on the idea of “miracles” is similar to mine. Intellectually, you believe that Jesus really did heal ...
Welcome to “Part 2” of my look at Tucker Carlson’s Patriot Purge. In “Part 1,” I described what I felt was the main thesis and four main claims that Carlson mad...
A little over a month ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson came out with a three-part series on his Fox Nation streaming-site called Patriot Purge, in which he sai...
We now come to Part 2 of my look at S. Joshua Swamidass’ book, The Genealogical Adam & Eve. In my previous post, I attempted to lay out the basic thesis and...
Two years ago, S. Joshua Swamidass came out with his book, The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry. He contacted me and offe...
Last week, Jason Lisle put out his third installment in which he offers his critique of William Lane Craig’s new book, The Quest for the Historical Adam. Lisle’...
This post is going to be a slight departure from what I normally write about…and I’m giving myself no more than one hour to do it. But over the past week or so,...
A few days ago, I started a series on the recent criticisms that YECist Jason Lisle has had about William Lane Craig’s new book, The Quest for the Historical Ad...
Last month, Jason Lisle of the young earth creationist organization, Biblical Science Institute, began a blog series in which he critiqued William Lane Craig’s ...
Chances are that virtually no one reading this post is an “expert” in the minor prophets. In fact, if we were being totally honest, aside from a few more famous...