The Dawkins Delusion (Part 2): “A Deeply Religious Non-Believer” (Chapter 1)
Dawkins: The Philosophical Naturalist The first chapter of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion is entitled “A Deeply Religious Non-Believer.” In it, Dawkins makes...
Dawkins: The Philosophical Naturalist The first chapter of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion is entitled “A Deeply Religious Non-Believer.” In it, Dawkins makes...
Ah, the Gospel of Atheism! Atheism fascinates me. Not the kind of atheism in which someone simply says, “I don’t believe God exists,” and then just goes about l...
I recently watched a PBS presentation entitled, God On Trial. The setting was a barracks in Auschwitz, in which the Jewish men there decided to “hold court” and...
Perhaps you’ve heard this question before: “How can Jesus be the Messiah when he didn’t fulfill any of the prophecies?” A typical Christian might be surprised a...
Continuing with my analysis of Bart Ehrman’s basic arguments against the reliability of the gospels, I wish to comment on a few more points he made in his debat...
Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar at the University of North Carolina who is most famous for his books, Misquoting Jesus, Jesus Interrupted, and his most r...
In the course of my Twitter conversations over the weekend, the atheists I talked with were, by and large, a lot more open to discuss than were the Hamites, and...
As you will inevitably know if you read my blog, I’m not a fan of Ken Ham. The young earth creationism he espouses is, to put it mildly, wrong across the board:...
Yesterday, in my previous post concerning the Larcycia Hawkins/Wheaton College story, I tried to reflect on what the more fundamental issues really were....
Over the past month, the story of Lacycia Hawkins has gained national attention. She is the tenured professor at Wheaton College, a prominent Evangelical colleg...