Atheist Jerry Coyne and YECist Ken Ham: Two Peas in a Pod
I have long said that atheists like Richard Dawkins and YECists like Ken Ham are each other’s doppleganger, and actually share the same fundamental worldview, d...
I have long said that atheists like Richard Dawkins and YECists like Ken Ham are each other’s doppleganger, and actually share the same fundamental worldview, d...
We now come to Part 3 three of my analysis of Ken Ham’s most recent book, Gospel Reset: Salvation Made Relevant. In his book, he attempts to make the case that ...
In my previous post, I began to look at the most recent book by Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis (AiG), Gospel Reset: Salvation Made Relevant. In that post, I loo...
Earlier this year, Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis sent out to countless pastors and churches throughout the country their new short book entitled, Gospel Reset:...
Allow me to begin this post with a brief re-telling of Genesis 2-3… A Truncated Telling of Genesis 2-3 As God was showing the man around the garden, He pointed ...
Over the past four months, I have written precisely one blogpost related to Ken Ham, AiG, or young earth creationism. That’s right—only one. The reason why is f...
Last month, I took part in an online debate regarding Noah’s flood: was it a worldwide flood, a local flood, or should Genesis 6-9 be understood as an example o...
I wanted to share this with anyone interested. I was just interviewed by SJ Thomason on her YouTube channel. We discussed a variety of things from Biblical Stud...
What better way to conclude my analysis of Ken Ham’s Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church than with a seventh post? On this seventh post...
Here in my second-to-last installment in my blog series looking at Ken Ham’s book, Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church, I am going to t...