Making Sense of Genesis 1: The Fundamental Biblical Worldview
Some of the most hotly-contested chapters in the entire Bible these days are those found in Genesis 1-11. Young Earth Creationists argue that they are literal h...
Some of the most hotly-contested chapters in the entire Bible these days are those found in Genesis 1-11. Young Earth Creationists argue that they are literal h...
In this next post in my series in which I analyze Ken Ham’s book, Six Days, The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church, I am going to take a look at the...
It was four years ago that I first really began to pay attention to Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. It began with writing a number of posts on the Nye/Ham Debat...
In yesterday’s post I wrote about the article by Valerie Tarico entitled “Why is the Bible So Badly Written?” that was taken down by because it had go...
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine messaged me on Facebook, “Did you catch the Salon article on the Bible, before it got pulled?” I said, “No, what did it say?”...
Last November, the 1,000-page Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique hit the shelves. Written by Biola professor J.P. Morelan...
King David and the Kingdom of Israel It is in the book of I Samuel where we find the Hebrews demanding to have a king. YHWH did not want them to have a king lik...
The Old Testament is a collection of 39 books, written roughly over a span of 1,000 years, and it covers the entire history of ancient Israel. It contains narra...
Genesis: O Where to Begin? The book of Genesis is about beginnings: the beginning of creation, of humanity, and of civilization itself. Now, many of us in the m...
In my first two installments of my analysis of the YEC movie, Is Genesis History?, I focused first on what I felt was intentional dishonesty on the part of thos...