MY NEW BOOK IS OUT! (Yes, you need to buy it!)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Today my new book, Christianity and the (R)evolution in Worldviews in Western Culture came out. It is available on I thought I’d...
ANNOUNCEMENT: Today my new book, Christianity and the (R)evolution in Worldviews in Western Culture came out. It is available on I thought I’d...
Some of the most hotly-contested chapters in the entire Bible these days are those found in Genesis 1-11. Young Earth Creationists argue that they are literal h...
In this next post in my series in which I analyze Ken Ham’s book, Six Days, The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church, I am going to take a look at the...
It was four years ago that I first really began to pay attention to Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. It began with writing a number of posts on the Nye/Ham Debat...
In yesterday’s post I wrote about the article by Valerie Tarico entitled “Why is the Bible So Badly Written?” that was taken down by because it had go...
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine messaged me on Facebook, “Did you catch the Salon article on the Bible, before it got pulled?” I said, “No, what did it say?”...
Last November, the 1,000-page Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique hit the shelves. Written by Biola professor J.P. Morelan...
King David and the Kingdom of Israel It is in the book of I Samuel where we find the Hebrews demanding to have a king. YHWH did not want them to have a king lik...
The Old Testament is a collection of 39 books, written roughly over a span of 1,000 years, and it covers the entire history of ancient Israel. It contains narra...
Genesis: O Where to Begin? The book of Genesis is about beginnings: the beginning of creation, of humanity, and of civilization itself. Now, many of us in the m...