I Got Interviewed on “Recovering Evangelicals”

Earlier this month, I was fortunate to get interviewed on the “Recovering Evangelicals” podcast. It was a little bit about my personal faith journey, and a whole lot about my firsthand experience with YECism. Let is also serve as a foreshadowing of the upcoming publication of my revised edition to The Heresy of Ham, hopefully coming out around Christmas! Enjoy!



  1. Could I ask you about one Thessalonians 2 to 13 to 16 do you think it’s offendic and the quote is those Jews who crucified Jesus

    1. To the point, no, I don’t think I Thessalonians 2:13-16 offensive. We have to remember that Paul is writing to primarily Gentile Christians in Thessalonica who were getting harassed by their own countrymen in Thessalonica because they put their faith in Jesus. Paul is simply telling them that they are experiencing the exact same things the original disciples and original followers of Jesus experienced in Judea. The Gospels themselves testify that the Temple establishment arrested Jesus in the middle of the night and then pressured Pilate to crucify him the next day. I think a rational reading of I Thessalonians 2:13-16, as well as the Gospels, is that it was the Jews AUTHORITIES who were responsible for the death and crucifixion of Jesus, not the Jewish PEOPLE as a whole. Paul’s use of “Jews” here in I Thessalonians 2:13-16 is obviously just a generalized term.

  2. No forgive me I misspoke but I meant to ask you was is one Thessalonians 2 to 16 the 13 is it authentic not offensive do you think it’s an interpolation or an authentic pulling verse

    1. I think it is authentic. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I don’t think Paul was literally saying ALL Jews killed Jesus. In the context, it is clear he is referring to the Temple authorities who got Jesus killed and later was behind the initial harassment and persecution of the early believers.

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