A Trip to Winesburg, Ohio: A New Literary Series (Part 1: The Book of the Grotesque)

A new year is upon us, so I wanted to start off this new year on my blog with a literary series about a book that I long have loved: Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson. Published in 1919, it is one of the often-overlooked gems of American Literature. Now, I had never even heard of…

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2024: Going Out with a Bang–Looking at “Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor” by Caleb Campbell. (Yes, it’s a freaking long post, and yes, I’m never touching this issue again)

Here we are at the end of 2024. As I’ve look back over the topics I covered this year on resurrecting orthodoxy, I noticed that a good number of my posts this year had to do with, shall we say, a very specific “war” going on within the largely Evangelical world: Left vs. Right, Woke…

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Matthew and Luke’s Nativity Stories…and the Maddening McClellan Disinformation Shtick

Well, it’s the Christmas season, and as to be expected, many “social media scholars” have posted material that deals with the nativity stories in Matthew and Luke. One such scholar is someone I’ve written a couple of my own posts on over this past year—Dan McClellan. And so, today I thought I’d write yet another…

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“The Ark and the Darkness”–An Analysis of the YECist movie (Part 3: The Thrilling Conclusion, a Whole Lot of End Times Thinking…and some Politics for Good Measure)

Now for the thrilling conclusion of my look at the YECist movie The Ark and the Darkness. Aside from the specific items I have mentioned in my first two posts, in this post I want to zero in on the whole “End Times” mentality that I have come to see is driving, not just the…

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“The Ark and the Darkness”–An Analysis of the YECist movie (Part 2: Flood, Babel, and the Beast)

Here in Part 2 of my look at the YECist movie The Ark and the Darkness, I am going to provide an overview of the second half of the movie, as well as give my observations on it. Enjoy… The Impact of the Flood ItselfIn the next part of the movie, after discussing the specifics…

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“The Ark and the Darkness”: Let’s Take a Look at the Most Recent Multimedia Extravaganza from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University (Part 1)

Over this Thanksgiving break, I decided to rent The Ark and the Darkness, a YECist movie collaboration of Liberty University and the Ark Encounter. It originally came out at the beginning of 2024, but I wasn’t about to pay $20 to buy it, so I waited until I could plunk down $5 to rent it…

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My Final Post on “Rescuing Inerrancy” by Hugh Ross (Part 6)

Here in my final installment of my look at Hugh Ross’ Rescuing Inerrancy, I’m going to say a few things about his final chapter, and then my reflections of the book overall. If you want to learn more about the creation/evolution debate as a whole, as well as some Church History and proper Biblical Exegesis,…

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“Rescuing Inerrancy” by Hugh Ross–A Book Analysis Series (Part 5: A Little More About the Creation Account…and A Lot about Adam and Eve)

Here in Part 5 of my analysis of Hugh Ross’ book, Rescuing Inerrancy, we will look at Chapters 17-20. Chapter 17: Recent Scientific CorroborationIn Chapter 17, Ross attempts to show how the discoveries of modern science, particularly in terms of the formation of the earth millions of years ago, corroborate the creation account in Genesis…

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“Rescuing Inerrancy” by Hugh Ross: A Book Analysis Series (Part 4: The Earth’s Age, Fluctuating Science…and the Historicity of Genesis 1-11?)

Here in Part 4 of my analysis of Hugh Ross’ book, Rescuing Inerrancy, we will look at Chapters 14-16. Chapter 14: Biblical Cues to the Earth’s AgeIn Chapter 14, Ross directly addresses the claims of young earth creationists like Ken Ham. In doing so, Ross makes his own argument as to why the earth is…

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