Ken Ham, Virgins, and the Shutting of Doors (Part 2)

In yesterday’s post, I addressed Ken Ham’s use of the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25, and his claim that Christian pastors and academics who don’t support his young earth creationism were not only like the “five foolish virgins,” but were, in fact, false prophets. I gave a brief overview of Matthew 21-27,…

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Ken Ham’s Fascination with Virgins, Doors, and His Propensity to Shut Them–Part 1 (Plus a Brief Overview of Matthew 21-27 that will Blow You Away)

By all means, please like this post, and please share it! A couple of days ago, Ken Ham re-tweeted a previous post he had written back on March 19, 2012: “The Door’s Still Open.” On one hand, nothing he said was particularly new for Ken Ham. On the other hand, what he said made me…

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Sam Harris and “The End of Faith”: Let’s Get Reasonable about Religion, the Death Penalty, Drugs and Sex (Part 7)

At the very beginning of his book, Sam Harris makes this very true statement: “Your beliefs define your vision of the world; they dictate your behavior; they determine your emotional responses to other human beings” (12). He is completely correct here—one’s beliefs do indeed define one’s vision of the world. Francis Schaeffer calls this “presuppositional apologetics”—namely, one…

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Ken Ham Answers the Question: “Why don’t scientists accept young earth creationism?”

Yesterday, I came across Ken Ham’s most recent entry on his blog entitled, “Why Don’t More Scientists Believe in Creation?” It’s a rather short post, but as I read it, I realized that it perhaps perfectly illustrates what truly lies at the heart of young earth creationist thinking: it is a modern form of Pharisaism….

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Sam Harris and “The End of Faith”: Faith and Intolerance (Part 6)

We’ve now come to the point in our analysis of Sam Harris’ book, The End of Faith, where we will look at the specific things he has to say about “faith.” Intolerance and Religious Faith Early in his book, Harris makes was should be for any critical reader a glaring and shocking contradiction. He first states…

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Sam Harris and “The End of Faith”: A Biblical Scholar, He Ain’t (Part 5)

I’ve found that in the course of my critiques of books by atheist writers like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris, that it is actually quite invigorating exercise, albeit in a chaotic way. It is, I would assume, much the same feeling if one were engaged in a formal debate: most of your time doesn’t involve…

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Sam Harris and “The End of Faith”: Hear nothing good, see nothing good…at least not in Christianity! (Part 4)

It should come as no surprise in a book entitled, The End of Faith, that Harris refuses to even consider that there might be something to religion in general, and Christianity in particular. When he says, therefore, “The fact that religious beliefs have a great influence on human life says nothing at all about their…

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Sam Harris: Heretics, and Pagans, and Christians, O My! (Part 3)

Sam Harris, despite all his claims of rationality and reason, is actually rather ignorant when it comes to Christian belief. Sadly, it is rather obvious that he is more interested in attacking the caricature that he himself has constructed, than he is at getting at the actual truth about what Christianity is and what it…

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Sam Harris: On Faith and Hell (Part 2)

One of Sam Harris’ main arguments in The End of Faith against Christianity is that, according to him, the roots of intolerance, repression, and violence are found within that “God-authored book” right from the start. He essentially asks, “Why are all Christians violent raving lunatics?” and then provides the answer: “Because they believe God tells…

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Book Review: Sam Harris and “The End of Faith” (The Bible, Part 1)

After a week off from blogging to celebrate Christmas, it’s time to start posting again, well sort of. Over the next few weeks I am going to re-post a series I wrote on the atheist Sam Harris from my previous blog from five years ago. I have found it is a helpful exercise to read…

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