C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: 4:9–Counting the Cost

As C.S. Lewis continues to wrap up his book Mere Christianity, he addresses the idea in the Bible in which God says, “Be ye perfect.” He makes it clear that “becoming perfect” is not a requirement you must achieve in order for God to accept you. Rather, it is the goal and purpose for which…

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CS Lewis, Mere Christianity: 4:8–Is Christianity Hard or Easy?

The last few chapters of Mere Christianity have had a tremendous challenging influence on me ever since my high school days. This chapter is fairly straightforward, and actually puts into perspective the challenge Christianity offers. The first thing Lewis states comes directly from the previous chapter: if you start to “put on Christ” and start…

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C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: 4:7–Let’s Pretend!

Thus far in Book 4 of Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis has been trying to both lay out some basic concepts regarding the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, and then show how it impacts the way we understand time, eternity, and the Christian doctrine of salvation itself. In the previous chapter of 4:5, “Obstinate Toy Soldiers”…

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Answers in Genesis Attacks N.T. Wright for Being Unfaithful to Scripture

I was thumbing through my Twitter feed today and saw that AiG had just put out an article attacking NT Wright. In his book, Surprised by Scripture, Wright had mentioned that young earth creationism is a false teaching, not a viable scientific claim, and it actually makes it harder for Christians to be taken seriously…

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C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: Book 4:5–Obstinate Toy Soldiers

We are no turning the corner and getting into the “home stretch” of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. In this chapter, Lewis provides an analogy that might seem quite simple, but actually is quite profound, having its roots in great Christian thinkers like Irenaeus of Lyons and great Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. The analogy…

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Ken Ham’s Big Ark: Impressive Architecture, but Misguided Message

“…the history in the Bible is true . . . and therefore the gospel (based in that history) is true!” This is an excerpt from a recent Answers in Genesis article about Ken Ham’s “Ark Encounter” entitled “Big Ark to Bring Big Message.” As I was thinking today, there are a couple points I want…

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C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity: Book 4:4–Good Infection

In my previous post on C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity, I discussed Lewis’ take on the concept of eternity. In this post, I will now discuss Lewis’ attempt to explain the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Trying to explain the inner-relationship of the Trinity can be almost as difficult as…

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One Year Ago, Ken Ham Lambasted James McGrath…Let’s Reminisce!

In a November 3, 2014 blog post entitled, “Does Young Earth Creation Make Atheists?” Ham took on James McGrath, a religion professor at Butler University who argued that young earth creationism (YEC) amounts to nothing less than Bible idolatry, and ends up turning people off to Christianity and on to atheism. McGrath points out, in an ironic…

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Mere Christianity: C.S. Lewis Contemplates Eternity

In Book 4:3 of Mere Christianity, in the chapter entitled, “Time and Beyond Time,” C.S. Lewis takes on a topic that simply cannot be grasped by the human mind: that of eternity. I remember when I saw Bill Maher’s movie, Religilous, there was a scene in which Maher was joking about how stupid it was…

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Ken Ham, Richard Dawkins…and Ben Carson

I wanted to write a quick post concerning something I read today on Ken Ham’s blog, entitled, “Richard Dawkins Chides a Real Scientist.” As you probably know, I have been writing a book entitled The Heresy of Ham, in which I am arguing that not only is Ken Ham’s young earth creationism unscientific, but that his…

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