Understanding the Bible: Why I Don’t Like the Term “Inerrancy”

Most people think “inerrancy” means believing that the Bible is true. Well, no, it does not. Throughout Church history, people have believed the Bible to be true and inspired, but the notion of inerrancy is quite another thing. Most people don’t realize that the notion of biblical inerrancy was never held in the history of…

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BioLogos is just like Charles Templeton…and Ken Ham is the Reincarnation of Karl Marx! Fun with Random Associations, and the Logic of AiG…

On December 6, 2014, Ken Ham wrote a blog post entitled, “The Templeton Connection,” in which he attempted to link The Templeton Foundation with Charles Templeton. Why is this extraordinary? Because John Templeton of the Templeton Foundation and Charles Templeton are not related. Now, the John Templeton Foundation funds various research projects around the world,…

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Mere Christianity: Hope

C.S. Lewis’ chapter in Mere Christianity on hope is probably the shortest chapter, and so this will probably be a rather short post. Granted, a whole lot can be written on the Christian concept of hope, but maybe Lewis was pressed for time that day he sat down to compose this chapter…who knows? Lewis’ basic…

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Mere Christianity: Charity

In the process of discussing Christian behavior in Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis made it a point to cover the Seven Virtues. He dealt the with four “Cardinal virtues” in an earlier chapter, and he now turns his attention to the three “Theological virtues” for the rest of Book Three. In this chapter he deals with…

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Ken Ham Dirties Up Millard Erickson with Pig Slop!

On May 21, 2014, Ken Ham wrote, “Textbook Misleading Many Seminary and Bible College Students,” in which he lambasted Millard Erickson, a well-known conservative Evangelical systematic theologian. If you have taken any kind of theology course at the college or graduate school level, you’ve probably heard of him. In any case, Ken Ham took issue…

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Mere Christianity: The Great Sin

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this in my life—you’ve probably heard it to: “All sins are equal! If you tell a lie, you’re just as bad as a murderer!” Really? Does anyone really believe that? Now, I know what that person means when they say something like that. What that person means…

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Kierkegaard: Aesthetics, Demoniacs, Ethics, and Religion

Despite what I’ve discussed in the past few posts regarding Kierkegaard’s thought, there is one thing that should be painfully obvious…at least it was to Kierkegaard: the vast majority of people don’t put much thought into their lives. Most people just drift along in their lives, making choices based on whatever shiny object comes their way, like…

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A Very Brief Rant on Ken Ham…

Want evidence I am a masochist? I’m reading “Inside the Nye Ham Debate”–the most mean-spirited, arrogant, manipulative, deceptive, passive-aggressive tripe ever put on paper. I have to get this out of my system. Just this morning, over the span of 15 minutes of reading, I came across these gems: 1. The Big Bang IS A…

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Kierkegaard: Academia, Idolatry, and the Nature of Faith (Part 2)

Kierkegaard had a particular dislike for philosophers, theologians, and “academics” by and large. Anyone who has spent time in the graduate level/academic world will know why. Now, while it is not true in every single case, the academic world of philosophers and theologians is one where each “specialist” is in his own little world where…

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