Friedrich Nietzsche: The Enlightenment, Christianity, and the Philosopher of the Hammer

Ever since I was in college, Friedrich Nietzsche has long fascinated me, although I’ll admit it right now: I couldn’t understand him 85% of the time. After struggling through his various works like Beyond Good and Evil, The Anti-Christ, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and The Twilight of the Idols, all I had really come away with was a handful…

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Oh Hell…or Hades…or Gehenna…or Sheol! Will there be an Eternal Crispy Burning Sensation there? (Part 2: Lake of Fire; Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth)

In today’s post I wish to conclude my analysis on what the Bible actually says about hell, or more particularly, what those passages we often assume are about hell really are about.  Yesterday I looked at the Greek understanding of “Hades,” the ancient Near Eastern concept of “Sheol,” and the New Testament term “Gehenna.” Today…

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News on “Heresy of Ham”

I just want to put out there that I’ve finished a very rough draft of the book I’m writing, “The Heresy of Ham.” Since I want to make sure it addresses questions and concerns of people, I would appreciate it if anyone would shoot me a comment with any observations or questions you may have…

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Oh Hell…or Hades…or Gehenna…or Sheol! Will there be an Eternal Crispy Burning Sensation there? (Part 1)

Recently, someone I know posted a question on his Facebook page about Hell. He said he didn’t see anywhere in the Bible where it said that a person was cast into Hell for an eternity of suffering. “From what it looks like, once a person is thrown into Hell, he is dead, with no eternal…

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Ken Ham, the Bad Magician

Researching and writing a book about the young earth creationist movement of Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis is both highly entertaining and incredibly frustrating at the same time. It’s entertaining in the sense that once you have figured out their talking points, you can point them out every single time—it’s like calling a really…

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Mere Christianity 3:6–Christian Marriage

I am going to do one more post on Mere Christianity before I put it to the side for a week or two. The next chapter deals with Christian Marriage. In light of the recent “gay marriage” debate, I think there might be one or two things that can be applied to that, but Lewis…

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Let’s Talk More About Sex: Applying Mere Christianity to Today

After I wrote yesterday’s post, I have to admit it, I was thinking about sex…a lot. So cue the Barry White, I have a few more thoughts. If that is an intriguing (or perhaps disturbing) opening, don’t worry…this post is not at all like what that opening implies. (It’s 8:00 am and I haven’t had…

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Mere Christianity 3:5–Sexual Morality (Let’s Talk About Sex)

I haven’t written any posts for the past few days: this is why. The next chapter in Mere Christianity is “Sexual Morality.” For some reason, I just haven’t wanted to write about this. Maybe it’s because I’m now divorced; maybe it’s because I’m 45 and am too busy raising my 4-year old son to even…

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Mere Christianity: Morality and Psychoanalysis

Here’s a question for you: if someone suffers a psychotic break and, in the midst of that, takes a knife and slits the throat of an innocent person, is that person guilty of murder? Here’s another question: who is the “more moral” of a person? Me (I never got a detention in school, never even…

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Mere Christianity: Social Morality

In 3:3 of Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis addresses the topic of morality at the social level. It may come as a shock to modern Evangelical conservatives in America who think Donald Trump’s or Ted Cruz’s vision of America is the same as that of Jesus, but C.S. Lewis doesn’t see things that way. For that…

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