Finale! Saying Goodbye to Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens is a kick to read. At the beginning of this last post on his book, god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, I want to make one thing clear about Hitchens: he strikes me as a guy you could debate viciously, and then afterwards go out and have beer with—and he would…

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The Bible is Immoral! Christopher Hitchens Had Declared It to be So!

Christopher Hitchens is convinced. There is no doubt in his mind: the Bible approves of the worst kinds of cruelty! According to Hitchens, “The Bible may, indeed does, contain a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, for bride-price, and for indiscriminate massacre, but we are not bound by any of it because…

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Ken Ham Tries to Fry Up Francis Collins

As I am doing research for my book The Heresy of Ham, I am constantly finding blog posts written by Ken Ham that simply are astounding. Eight years ago, when I moved to Alabama to be the Biblical Worldview teacher at a small Evangelical school, I had absolutely no clue (nor did I care about)…

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The B-I-B-L-E! That’s Not the Book For Christopher Hitchens!

It is now time to analyze Christopher Hitchens’ take on the Bible. It should come as no surprise to find that, although Hitchens’ main argument is “religion” (of any sort) is poisonous, and although he does spend an entire chapter on Islam, the bulk of his criticism is directed at Christianity and the Bible. The…

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The Politicization of American Christianity, and the Misuse of Genesis 1-11

***Note: If you find this post gives you something to think about, do me a favor–re-post it either on your Facebook page or Twitter. With the upcoming political season, maybe we need to all think long and hard about the way we confuse Christianity and either the GOP or Democrats. And by all means, I…

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Hey Kids…Do You Like the Christian Group Gungor? Well Run for the Hills! Ken Ham Has Spoken, and the Bacon is Getting Crispy!

Last year, on this very date, Ken Ham, the founder of Answers in Genesis, wrote a blog post, eviscerating Christian singer Michael Gungor because Gungor dared to talk about how he was not a young earth creationist. Since it is the one-year anniversary of the original post, I thought I’d share my insights. *** In a…

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Warning! Christopher Hitchens will Spoil Your Bris! No Circumcision for You!

Circumcision: Sadistic Mutilation, or Meaningful Symbolic Act? In his book, god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Christopher Hitchens tries to argue that religion is the root cause of violence, intolerance, and sexual repression. One rather odd topic he seems to be fixated on is, as the title suggests, the Jewish practice of circumcision….

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Pass the Lightsaber! I Need to Cut the Ham Back on the Ark!

A friend of mine suggested following “Answers in Genesis” on Twitter. He said, “They provide a lot of material for one-liners.” And so, I followed AiG on Twitter today, and immediately was alerted of the following article, entitled, “How Could Noah Build Something So Large?” I apologize in advance if this post sounds too sarcastic….

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Inspiration and Inerrancy….My Two Cents

I have to be honest: I still am quite frustrated these days. It still hurts knowing that I lost my teaching job because I didn’t think the universe is 6,000 years old. It hurts knowing that I was deemed a “compromised Christian” who undermines biblical authority. And it hurts knowing that the man who fired…

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