Christopher Hitchens Claims that MLK Wasn’t a Christian! WHAT?

In the first decade of the 21st century, Christopher Hitchens, along with Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, really made a splash with what has been labeled “The New Atheist Movement.” I am currently in the midst of sharing my analysis of Hitchens’ book, god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. There is no need…

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Let’s Get Hitched! Christopher Hitchens Claims “Religion” is Evil…Is It?

Christopher Hitchens is a thoroughly modern, Enlightenment thinker—by that, I mean he is completely devoted to the Enlightenment worldview that essentially believes science and reason to be the keys to human freedom. Freedom from what, you may ask? Hitchens will say, “From religion, first and foremost!” In his book, Hitchens lumps all the religions in…

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Let’s Get Hitched! My Assessment of Christopher Hitchens and the New Atheist Movement

Six years ago I decided to read my way through the three “leading books” of the New Atheist movement: Christopher Hitchens’ god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Sam Harris’ The End of Faith, and Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. I learned quite a lot reading these books, but the main thing I learned…

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C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity: The Practical Conclusion (Warning: Lewis Likes Evolution!)

Having explained the Christian understanding of the atonement in the previous chapter, Lewis puts forth what he feels is the “practical conclusion” to all of this in the final chapter of Book 2. I mean, okay, the atonement states that through Christ’s death and resurrection, that we have the opportunity to be put back “in…

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C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity: The Perfect Penitent

For the past week, I have written a number of posts on Ken Ham. This week I am going back to C.S. Lewis. After pointing out that Answers in Genesis is not promoting historic Christianity, I need to go back and focus on just what that “mere Christianity” really is. I left off half way…

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My Ultimate Frustration with Ken Ham

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you have obviously noticed my numerous posts on Ken Ham, his organization Answers in Genesis, and young earth creationism in general. This whole topic of “creation or evolution” garners much heated debate and attention. Ken Ham has his organization promoting young earth creationism, Hugh Ross has…

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Peter Enns: The “God-Mocker,” According to AiG (Part 4)

In my final installment of analyzing Answers in Genesis’ review of Peter Enns’ book, The Bible Tells Me So, I will focus on the most obvious issue that concerns Answers in Genesis:  Enns’ take on Genesis 1-11. Enns claims that Genesis 1-11 is meant to be seen as the “national myth” of Israel. In other…

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Is Peter Enns Among the Prophets? AiG says, “NO!” (Part 3)

In this brief post, I will look at how Answers in Genesis responds to Enns’ explanation of Messianic prophecy and his view of Jonah. Messianic Prophecy In addition to criticizing Peter Enns over his explanation of the Gospels, Mitchell also accuses him of denying that “the Old Testament writers were prophesying under God’s guidance at…

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Answers in Genesis vs. Peter Enns (Part 2)

The biblical scholar Peter Enns is Satan… …or at least like Satan, according to Answers in Genesis. Why? Because he attempts to read the Bible in its historical context, is honest enough to admit there are troubling passages in the Bible, and humble enough to wrestle with the biblical text understand it better. And, of…

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C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: The Shocking Alternative

Believing that there is a “good” God while acknowledging that this world is a screwed up place is quite a dilemma—how can both be true? The answer, Lewis points out, lies in the free will of human beings. Some people seem to question God’s decision to give us a free will, but Lewis points out…

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