Answers in Genesis vs. Peter Enns (Part 1)

One of the fascinating things I’ve found as I’ve gone through the blogs of Ken Ham and various articles on the Answers in Genesis website is how so very often they feel it is their God-given mission to pronounce condemnation and judgment on other Christians who do not share their young earth creationist views. From…

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C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”: The Invasion

A “Simple” Religion Have you ever met someone who complains that if Christianity really was true that it wouldn’t contain so many complicated, hard to understand doctrines? A basic and simple religion would be so much more preferable, they tend to say. Well, as Lewis gets closer to discussing what historical Christianity actually is, he…

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C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”: Rival Conceptions of God

We now come to “Book Two” of Mere Christianity. If you remember, “Book One” simply made the case that if there is a “Something/Someone” behind the natural universe, it certainly seems that he is interested in morality, for our moral sense of right and wrong is something unique to human beings. And if that is…

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Ken Ham’s Hermeneutic in Action: His Rejection of John Walton

Even though Ken Ham may say that the intent of good Bible interpretation is to get to the original, intended meaning of a text, he in fact does not do that. In the case of understanding Genesis 1-11, he completely discounts the historical context in which Genesis was written. As far as Ken Ham is concerned,…

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The Hermeneutics of Ham, and His Wrong Idea of “Authority”

When it gets right down to it, the main problem with Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, and the entire young earth creationist movement, does not have to do with their take on science and their pseudo-scientific claims. Any rational person using his God-given intellect will be able to see their so-called “scientific” claims are nothing…

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Ken Ham’s Claims that there is No Evidence to Support Evolution

The young earth creationism of Ken Ham is a confusing, muddled mess of illogic and purposeful deception in regards to the Bible, Church History, and Science…and that’s on a good day! There is so much misinformation, faulty assumptions, and outright ignorance in the Answers in Genesis “gospel,” one hardly knows where to begin to start…

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C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: We Have Cause to be Uneasy

In Book 1:5 of Mere Christianity, in his chapter entitled, “We Have Cause to be Uneasy,” Lewis wraps up the main argument of Book One. He begins by anticipating what no doubt people back then, and people today, would be saying at this point: “Oh here we go! We’ve broken the Law! We need Jesus!…

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C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”: The Moral Law

The very concept of some sort of “moral law” can be somewhat problematic, and can easily be twisted into a kind of fundamentalist legalism that sees all life and behavior in stark, black and white terms. You know that kind of person. He says, “God said it, I believe it, obey it or else! End…

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Holy Ham, Ken! E.T. is an Atheist!

Let me say right off the bat, the title is misleading. Ken Ham does not think E.T., that adorable alien from the 1982 movie, is an atheist. No—Ken Ham believes that scientists who think there might be life on other planets are atheists in rebellion against God. So, if you’ve ever wondered if there was…

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Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis: The Moral Law… “To Hell With Your Standard!”

We now begin our adventure into C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. It seems that too many times well-meaning Christians immediately “go to the Bible” to try to convince a non-believer that there is a God, or that Jesus is God. The problem with that approach, I believe, is the failure to realize the non-believer isn’t going…

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