A Cheat Sheet to Understanding the Heresy of Ham

There is no place better to learn about the heretical theology of the Hamites than the source of the heresy itself: Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis website, and more specifically, his personal blog he posts on the website. If you actually read the man’s own words, you’ll soon see just how bizarre his claims are….

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Ken Ham: Is He Just Wrong, or is He Really a Heretic?

In light of my post yesterday, I’ve gotten a couple of responses questioning my calling Ken Ham and young earth creationism a heresy. I want to make a few clarifications. What Exactly is Heresy? First, I am not using “heresy” as just a disparaging comment. I am convinced that in light of Church history, what…

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Why I am Not Teaching This Year…and the Heresy of Ken Ham

I believe that God often puts a calling on people’s hearts. I remember when I was in high school, sitting in chapel at my Christian school, listening to yet another pastor tell us students that the first thing you should do once you get saved is to go out and witness to someone. A light…

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Book Review: N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Scripture”–Wrapping Things Up

Even though N.T. Wright has three more chapters to Surprised by Scripture, I believe I can adequately cover them in this post. “How to Engage Tomorrow’s World” (Ch. 10), “Apocalypse and the Beauty of God,” (Ch. 11), and “Becoming a People of Hope” (Ch. 12) all serve as challenges by Wright to Christians of today…

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N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Scripture” Ch. 9: Our Politics are Too Small

Yes, it was only a matter of time…but you knew the subject of politics was due to come up at some point. After all, if the two things you never talk about in public are religion and politics, then that’s just an invitation to talk about religion and politics. And so, in chapter 9 of…

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Book Review: N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Scripture” Ch. 8–Idolatry 2.0

Unlike chapter 7 in Surprised by Scripture, where Wright took a look at a really big “worldview” issue, chapter 8 gets pretty specific and to a direct point. So what is “Idolatry 2.0”? It’s actually pretty simple: it’s the same old pagan idolatry, but without the pagan names. Let me let Wright explain… First, Wright…

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N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Scripture”–Ch. 7: The Bible to the Modern World

***Let me first apologize for the long post, but it is such a good chapter! If you have read all my posts on Surprised by Scripture, chances are your head is spinning over all the things Wright covers. There’s a lot to digest. Well, when we come to chapter 7, I hope you’ve put on…

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Forgiving Your Enemies…Mmmm, Really?

If you’re like me, you tend to play a movie-reel in your head as you read the gospels. We can’t help it—living in the age of movies, we naturally allow our view of Jesus to be shaped by the various “Jesus movies” we’ve seen. One particular scene that I think we all view the same…

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N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Scripture”: Ch. 6–The Problem of Evil

In chapter 6 of Surprised by Scripture, N.T. Wright tackles the problem of evil: how can you reconcile the reality of evil with a belief in a good God? That is a question that has challenged people for centuries. If you were an ancient pagan, you wouldn’t ask that question, because you didn’t believe there…

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Thoughts on Planned Parenthood’s Harvesting of Organs from the “Least of These”

I want to take a break from N.T. Wright, and take some time to comment on the recent scandal involving Planned Parenthood and their harvesting of organs from aborted babies for profit. Obviously, one of the key things N.T. Wright emphasizes is the idea of the New Creation and the redemption and transformation of human…

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