As I was looking through some of my older posts, I realized I’ve done quite a few series on various books and topics. And so, I thought it might be helpful if I occasionally made a post that had links to everything in one series. So, if you like C.S. Lewis and his book “Mere Christianity,” this post is for you! Links to every single post I wrote on “Mere Christianity”! You’re welcome…
C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”
The Moral Law: To Hell with your Standard!
The Trinity: The Three-Personal God (This is my most popular post of all-time)
Hey Dr. Anderson, I am an online student of yours at UNA. I just started Mere Christianity and look forward to reading all your posts on the book. Thanks!
Awesome! Did you “subscribe” so you can get a notice every time I write something brilliant?
Yes, sure did!
Haha just caught the “brilliant” comment…..
Thank you!