Shameless Promotion: All My C.S. Lewis Posts on “Mere Christianity”

As I was looking through some of my older posts, I realized I’ve done quite a few series on various books and topics. And so, I thought it might be helpful if I occasionally made a post that had links to everything in one series. So, if you like C.S. Lewis and his book “Mere Christianity,” this post is for you! Links to every single post I wrote on “Mere Christianity”! You’re welcome…

C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”

The Moral Law: To Hell with your Standard!

The Moral Law

We Have Cause to be Uneasy

Rival Conceptions of God

The Invasion

The Shocking Alternative

The Perfect Penitent

The Practical Conclusion

Three Parts to Morality

The Cardinal Virtues

Social Morality

Morality and Psychoanalysis

Sexual Morality

Christian Marriage


The Great Sin




Making and Begetting

The Trinity: The Three-Personal God (This is my most popular post of all-time)

Contemplating Eternity

Good Infection

Obstinate Toy Soldiers

Let’s Pretend

Is Christianity Hard or Easy?

Counting the Cost

Nice People or New Men

The New Men


  1. Hey Dr. Anderson, I am an online student of yours at UNA. I just started Mere Christianity and look forward to reading all your posts on the book. Thanks!

  2. This is an incredible collection of insights on Mere Christianity! Your deep engagement with Lewis’s work and the way you break down his arguments make this a valuable resource for both longtime fans and new readers. Thank you for sharing such thoughtful reflections and analysis!

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