I can always recommend good books. Here are a number of suggestions related to the types of things I write about on my blog.
N.T. Wright
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters
Surprised By Hope
Surprised By Scripture
The New Testament and the People of God
Jesus and the Victory of God
The Resurrection of the Son of God
C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity
The Screwtape Letters
The Great Divorce
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Space Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet/Perelandra/That Hideous Strength
Thomas Merton
New Seeds of Contemplation
No Man is an Island
The Seven Storey Mountain
Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Books on Orthodoxy
Eastern Orthodox Christianity: Daniel Clendenin
The Inner Kingdom: Bishop Kallistos Ware
The Orthodox Way: Bishop Kallistos Ware
Eastern Orthodoxy Through Western Eyes: Donald Fairbairn
Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology: Andrew Louth
The Mountain of Silence: Kyriacos C. Markides
In the Spirit of Happiness: The Monks of New Skete
Joel’s Books